

Well, I guess the old adage "wash your car and it will start raining" works for blogs too. As soon as I complained about it, I found the cords I was looking for :-)

I was a so annoyed with losing the cords that I started a new project right after posting about it... Molly Weasley's sweater from the 2nd movie. For the release of the 7th movie my mom decided she would be Mrs. Weasley... and for those of you who know of Mrs. Weasley and who know my mom know that this is a perfect fit! I actually made ridiculous headway while fuming about the lost cords. In just an hour I got this much done...

Here is a picture of the original for those who haven't seen the movie.

The yarn I have is pretty cheapo stuff, so I'm going to go and grab some nice soft cotton tomorrow so that the piece will flow right. But for now I just wanted to try out my pattern. Since the only ones I could find where either not faithful to the movie or you had to pay for them, I just decided to make up my own. We'll see how it goes, but I like it so far!

Will update on the sweater with a pattern once it's finished!


Anonymous said...

Oh that is fantastic!!! Can't wait to see a pic of your Mum strutting her stuff -_^!!!
Looking fab so far -_^!

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