However... in case you've never looked into it, spinning wheels are expensive! Well, I let the idea go due to lack of excess money and lack of room for a new piece of furniture and moved on. But from time to time my mom and I still talk about how much fun it would be to have a spinning wheel and during one such talk I had mentioned seeing a few for sale on Craigslist last summer and that we should start keeping an eye out for some in our area.
AN HOUR LATER she comes to me and says that not only did she find one in our area, but she found a 32" loom as well! Both were for sale by the same woman and she was only asking for both items together what the spinning wheel on its own would have cost. I was very excited but knew that I didn't have the money to spend on it... so.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MEEEEEE from my awesome, wonderful, brilliant parents :-D
I am now the proud owner of an Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel and a Herald 32" 4 Harness Loom!
Here are a few pictures of my new acquisitions.
And here's a video of me spinning! A few seconds in I have to restart the wheel (cause I'm a noob and I still stink!) and you can see the bunch of fibers in my right hand that will turn into yarn as I spin!
The video lighting isn't that great and the yarn looks kinda dull, so here's a better picture! I'm spinning a 4 oz bunch of bamboo that I got from Yarnorama. Here are the fibers before spinning...
And here is a picture of how much I have spun so far!!
oh so pretty! :)
You need to get back to blogging!!
Amanda i was just thinking that!! :-D I haven't been able to update much over the last few months because of Christmas! Everything I was making was a surprise. hee hee
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